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Framework Job Evaluation
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Pay & Grading Framework Agreement at UCL

Pay Framework Agreement at UCL

Updates on the negotiations and implementation will be posted here at least monthly.

Framework Agreement at UCL

Negotiations on implementing the Pay & Grading Framework began in May 2004. The three unions all have reps seconded to take part in these negotiations and to work in partnership with UCL to implement the various aspects. The intention is to implement the Framework from 01 August 2005.

To date, the unions have negotiated the method in which job evaluation will be applied, the principles of the Appeals procedure (detail still to be negotiated) and are negotiating the other aspects. Meetings are held roughly every two weeks, although the frequency is likely to increase closer to the implementation date.

Many aspects of the Framework cannot be properly negotiated until Job Evaluation is complete. This includes the final form of the new grading structure, details of how red-circling and green-circling will apply to posts that have been down-graded or up-graded, harmonisation of terms and conditions and other aspects.

The trade union negotiation team are:
Dave Guppy* (AUT, 100%), Geoff Williams (AUT, 40%), Sean Wallis (AUT, 40%), Tamsin Piper (Amicus, 100%) and Tom Silverlock (UNISON, 100%)
* includes release for national AUT functions.

Job Evaluation at UCL
for more information see

Who are the Job Evaluation Team?
What help is available?
What is Involved?
Multiple Role Holder posts
The Timetable

UCL is using HERA to evaluate all jobs at UCL. In the initial phase the jobs of about 3600 support staff are being assessed. Given that there are some jobs done by more than one person, it is estimated that about 300 different support staff roles will be assessed.
A further 3600 academic and research posts are being evaluated alongside using the same job evaluation scheme. They are being treated as multiple role holder jobs.

Who are the Job Evaluation Team?
The team is composed of the 5 trade union negotiators, 6 staff from Human Resources, and 23 people nominated by the trade unions and faculties to be role analysts (these nominees being released 1 or 2 days per month for job scoring).
The Job Evaluation Team also run a helpline for enquiries about the Framework and job evaluation (, 020 7679 9789)

What help is available?
In addition to the help being provided by the Job Evaluation Team, Amicus reps will available to advise and help you at all stages of the process from completing your JDO through to appeals procedures if you are unhappy with your new grade.
If you require assistance, contact John O'Brien who will arrange for a rep to contact you.

What is Involved?
The process consists of staff completing a Job Description Outline form (JDO) which captures the information necessary to allow proper scoring of the job. The JDOs are then scored by a panel of two trained role analysts (one from Human resources, the other nominated either by their Faculty or one of the trade unions). JDOs must be signed off by both the role holder and their line manager. In some departments, the Head may wish to sign them off as well.

Multiple Role Holder posts
Where more than one person is doing the same job, only one JDO needs to be submitted to cover all of the staff affected. This can be completed either jointly by the staff, by their line manager, or by someone designated by their line manager.
All staff in multiple role holder posts must be able to comment on the JDO before it is submitted for scoring, and (where reasonable) all should sign it off.
Academic and Research staff (post-doctoral assistants/fellows) are being treated as multiple role holder jobs. Nationally developed Role Profiles will be used to create JDOs for these roles, and a small sample of staff will be asked to complete JDOs to validate those developed from the Role Profiles.

The Timetable
The job evaluation is expected to last from October 2004 to April/May 2005. staff will be asked to complete their JDOs from October 2004 to March 2005. This part of the process has been organised so that each Faculty or Division has been assigned a month during which they will receive briefings on completion of JDOs and be asked to complete and return them.
Job scoring panels will begin meeting in November 2004 and it is expected that this work will continue until April or May 2005.