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Representing Technical, Scientific and Specialist Medical Support Staff at University College London, School of Pharmacy, Institute of Education, Royal Institution of Great Britain

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Branch Equality Pay Framework Links Latest News
Job Evaluation
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Job Evaluation

What is Job Evaluation?

Job evaluation is a method of looking at jobs to determine their ranking compared to others. There are a number of methods in use.

Non-Analytical Job Evaluation

This type of job evaluation considers a job as a whole and assigns a ranking.

Analytical Job Evaluation

This type of job evaluation breaks jobs down into their individual parts (often called factors or elements) and assigns a score to each. The combined score of all the parts is used to determine the ranking. In Higher Education, the technical staff "Blue Book" was such a scheme. Other analytical schemes include HERA and HAY.

What Scheme is being used where I work?

University College London is using HERA

School of Pharmacy is using HERA

Institute of Education is believed to be using HERA