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Representing Technical, Scientific and Specialist Medical Support Staff at University College London, School of Pharmacy, Institute of Education, Royal Institution of Great Britain

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Framework Job Evaluation

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The HERA (Higher Education Role Analysis) job evaluation scheme was developed by a consortium of around 100 higher education institutions (HEIs) and trade unions with Tower Perrins as the commercial partner. The scheme was originated in 1994 with the intention of replacing the current mess of different job evaluation schemes operating in the sector.

HERA is the only job evaluation scheme developed specifically to cover all jobs in the Higher Education sector. For more information, please contact the Job Evaluation Reps.

Jobs are evaluated against 14 elements, with different weightings. In all there are 50 questions or statements that are measured. The weightings for the elements and statements were assigned as a result of a conjoint analysis exercise which involved over 2000 staff in the sector.

The 14 HERA Elements are:

Communication (oral and written);
Teamwork and Motivation;
Liaison and Networking;
Service Delivery;
Decision Making;
Planning and Organising Resources;
Initiative and Problem Solving;
Analysis and Research;
Sensory and Physical Demands;
Working Environment;
Pastoral Care and Welfare;
Team Development;
Teaching and Learning Support;
Knowledge and Experience

Information about the job can be gathered by a number of methods - by interview, from a job description or using a form developed for the purpose.

The job is then scored by trained Role Analysts. Responses to each question or statement are entered into software which calculates a numerical score for the job, on a scale from approximately 100 to 1000. Final scores can be calculated by hand, but this does involve a lot of effort.