Barcelona-Jocs Seminar 2002/2003
Seminar on game theory and its applications

Organization: Antonio Cabrales (U.P.F.)
Place: Centre Internacional de Premsa de Barcelona.
Rbla. Catalunya, 10, pral. - 08007 Barcelona

Program from 2001/2002
Programs from earlier years

I SESSION - Monday OCTOBER 28, 2002

18:30 h. FABRIZIO GERMANO - Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
On some Equivalence Classes of Generic Normal Form Games.

19:30 h. ENNIO STACCHETTI - New York University.
Aspirational Bargaining.

II SESSION - Monday NOVEMBER 25, 2002

18:30 h. BETTINA KLAUS- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Stable Matchings and Preferences of Couples or Some things couples always wanted to know about stable matchings (but were afraid to ask).

19:30 h. PIERPAOLO BATTIGALLI - Universitá Bocconi.
Rationalization and Incomplete Information.

III SESSION - Monday JANUARY 27, 2003

18:30 h. DOH-SHIN JEON - Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Optimal Second-Degree Price Discrimination under Collusion: on the Role of Asymmetric Information among Buyers.

19:30 h. PHILIPPE JEHIEL - ENPC and University College London.
Analogy-based Expectation Equilibrium.

IV SESSION - Monday FEBRUARY 24, 2003

18:30 h. PEDRO CALLEJA - Universitat de Barcelona
Multi-Issue Allocation Games.

19:30 h. BENNY MOLDOVANU - Bonn University.
Auction-Based Queue Disciplines.

V SESSION - Monday April 28, 2003

18:30 h. CLARA PONSATÍ - Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica.
Implementation by Decent Mechanisms.

19:30 h. RAN SPIEGLER - Tel Aviv University.
Testing Threats in Repeated Games.

VI SESSION - Monday May 26, 2003

18:30 h. CARMEN BEVIA - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Stable Condorcet Rule.

19:30 h. HYUN-SONG SHIN - London School of Economics.
Beauty Contests, Bubbles and Iterated Expectations in Asset Markets. ( Slides).