Survey News and Results
At UCL students are active partners in their education. To involve you in shaping a better UCL education, it's important that we are open with survey results and make reports accessible to you, as well as showing how we are addressing areas of concern.
We aim to minimize the number of institutional surveys that you receive. There is one survey per year for undergraduates and two for postgraduates.
UCL's annual survey cycle
Undergraduates will receive:
- In their first year: New to UCL
- In the second term of each academic year: Annual Programme Survey
- In their final year: The National Student Survey (NSS)
Postgraduate Taught students will receive:
- In their first year: New to UCL
- Annually: Annual Programme Survey
Find out more about our different surveys, view headline results and explore your department report.
We want you to experience a warm welcome to UCL and feel part of our university community. This survey is sent out to all new students and the results help us provide all the information and guidance you need to settle in. (Runs October - December)
The Annual Programme Survey is for all taught students to give feedback on their modules and their programme. The results will help your department understand what is important to you and how we can make a difference to your time at UCL. (Runs March-April for Undergraduates and May- June for Postgraduate taught)
Every year, all final-year undergraduates in the UK are invited to take the National Student Survey (NSS). NSS results inform future students about courses and universities across the UK. This survey takes place in the second term of your final year, and takes about 15 minutes to complete. (Runs January - April)
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is for all research students, it runs during final term every other year, and is administered by the Doctoral School. You can find further information about the PRES on the Doctoral School website. (Runs February - April)