
You Shape UCL


You Shape UCL: 4 reasons why it’s important to take part in student surveys

7 November 2017

It’s that time of year again, the leaves are golden, the air is crisp, the second season of Stranger Things is on Netflix…and you’re getting emails about the New to UCL survey.

New to UCL survey

The New to UCL survey is for all new students, whether you’re an undergraduate, postgraduate taught student or doing a PhD. The survey focuses on how well you have settled in at UCL and if you received all of the information and support you needed to start your studies. 

So why should you bother taking it?

1. It's a good way to feedback to UCL about your experiences

We want to hear how university is going for you - if you love your lecturers or hate your timetable, think London is fantastic or really can’t stand the coffee on campus, tell us about all of it.

2. You could win a prize

Last year more than 600 students who completed student surveys won prizes including a £500 cash prize and we gave away a lot of Amazon vouchers. 

All students who complete the New to UCL survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a £500 cash prize or a £10 Amazon voucher (there are 250 to give away).

3. We read ALL the responses

Our student surveys team analyse the data and categorise all the comments for every institutional survey (National Student Survey, Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey), making sure that the right people get to see them.

So if you say something about your halls, it will be sent to the accommodation team. If you mention disability support, that team will get to see your comment. Just make sure you are careful not to identify yourself as it’s important that your responses stay anonymous.

4. We’re starting to make real changes due to your feedback

Last year we read through all the responses – 12,740 of them – and as a result of your feedback there have been lots of positive changes at UCL including:

How to take the New to UCL survey

If you are an eligible student you will be sent an email to your UCL email address from student.surveys@ucl-teaching.org.uk with a personal link to the survey.

Alternatively, you can go to https://ucl.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/newtoucl17 and login with your student ID number (8 or 9 digit number on the front of the student card) and date of birth as password (instructions are on the login page).

Your response is completely anonymous and will be used to help drive positive change.

You can find out more about how student feedback has already helped to affect change at the university, by visiting the You Shaped UCL website.

Rachel Heatley, Acting Head of Student Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs)