
You Shape UCL


Undergraduates: 4.5 ways you know the NSS has already had an impact on you

15 March 2017

If you’re an undergraduate in your final year, you’ve probably received an invitation to take the NSS. You may have even filled it out. But do you know what it’s for or why it’s important?

4.5 ways you know the NSS has already had an impact on you

The truth is, whether or not you have completed the NSS, it’s probably already had an effect on your experience at UCL.  

You know you’ve felt the impact of the NSS when…

  • You’ve stayed up all night studying in the library for an exam – 24 hour opening hours in the lead up to exams was thanks to your feedback in the NSS
  • You’ve actually managed to see all your marks and feedback in one place without trawling back through pages and pages on Moodle – the MyFeedback tool was developed and rolled out after you flagged up feedback on your work as a concern
  • You’ve seen the marking criteria for your work so you know why you got the mark that you did – assessment and feedback was one of the lowest scoring areas in the NSS in the past but in 2016 our score rose 3 points in this area after departments put measures in place to make marking more transparent
  • It takes you less time to login to UCL desktop than it does to take a selfie - following NSS feedback we made improvements to our systems and login now usually takes less than 30 seconds compared to several minutes a few years ago (or the 12 minutes it takes to get the perfect selfie, apparently)
  • You’ve queued for the toilet in the library and wondered why there aren’t more - ok so we’re not quite there yet, but we’re working on inaugurating the first gents toilets (ever) and increasing provision for female toilets in the UCL Main Library, thanks again to your feedback in the NSS.

It’s the student voice that drives change at UCL, and you have benefited from previous feedback, so please fill out the NSS so we can continue to make improvements and create a better education at UCL. 

If we don’t hear from at least 50% of our final years then we won’t receive any results and we won’t know what you need us to focus on. If you have questions or concerns around the NSS and links with TEF then please take the time to read our FAQs.