The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL
Dimitris is currently a PhD student at the Bartlett School of Planning. Rooted in Architecture, he gradually oriented his studies towards urban planning specifically in the fields of Urban Morphology, Metabolism and Sustainability to investigate the complex interdependencies between people, buildings, infrastructures and flows that shape the urban form. Before transitioning to more research-based activities, Dimitris worked as an architect in various architecture offices in Belgium and Japan, and as a research assistant at the "Laboratory on Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies" (LoUIsE) of the ULB.
The morphology of urban voids, a metabolic approach to cohesion. The case of Eleonas in Athens, Greece.
Supervisors: Dr Susan Moore (first), Prof Camillo Boano (second)
Trends of urban transformation have either utilised or left in their passage voids in a physical, metaphorical and conceptual sense. Discontinuities and voids within the urban and social spheres are hence at the heart of the post-industrial city. In the new "connected city", a territorial unevenness emerges between premium and disfigured spaces that tend to become gaps exacerbating spatial, social and economic marginalisation. This research analyses these places of transition using a relational approach through the lenses of Morphology, Urban Metabolism and Political Ecology to shed light on the reasons that created them and the way in which they can be sustainably integrated in modern city development.