
UCL Urban Laboratory


Further additions made to Urban Laboratory Steering Committee

13 August 2020

Three appointments to the Urban Lab Steering Committee improve our departmental and disciplinary representation across the university.

People chatting at the Thinking London from Elsewhere launch event of At the Frontiers of the Urban conference in November 2019

Following the additions of Dr Pablo Sendra (The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL) and Prof Rodney Harrison (UCL Institute of Archaeology) in the spring, UCL Urban Laboratory are pleased to announce the appointment of a further three UCL academics to our Steering Committee.

Dr Katherine Saunders-Hastings is Lecturer in Latin American Studies at the UCL Institute of Americas, with research interests in urban and political anthropology. Katherine previously chaired a session on Insecurities and Violence at our 2019 conference 'At the frontiers of the urban'. Her appointment marks the first from the department.

Dr Mark Frost is Associate Professor of Public History in the UCL Department of History, after joining from the University of Essex earlier this summer. Mark will lead on a new MA Public History programme at UCL East, which will be a key course interacting with the new Urban Room and Memory Workshop being run in collaboration between Urban Lab and Culture Lab. Similarly, this appointment marks the first from the department.

Dr Gabriele Manoli is Branco Weiss Fellow and Lecturer in Environmental Engineering in the UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Gabriele joined UCL last year from ETH Zurich and leads on the new Urban Ecohydrology Lab. Gabriele also participated as a speaker in our recent event on Trees and the New Urban Ecology, as part of the 2020 Urban Trees Festival.

Our Steering Committee is drawn from a broad range of departments and faculties at UCL and contribute to our strategic planning, agenda and develop new initiatives. You can see the full list of current members on our People page, and we expect to make further additions over the summer.

Image © Ondre Roach, Mediorite