Urban Laboratory publishes 2015 - 2018 Activities Report
12 August 2019
Our new report provides an overview of the key areas of activity and engagement which we have programmed across the period 2015 - 2018.
For more than a decade we have played a leading role in urban debate and the design and planning of contemporary cities, underpinning our interventions with rigorous analysis, historical insight, and particular attention to the social, cultural and political dimensions of urban life.
This has been achieved in collaboration with a wide range of committed academics from across UCL, and our partners from different sectors, who have worked with us to develop and deliver our vision of an ‘engaged urbanism’ which offers new approaches to urban problems, grounded in an understanding of everyday realities.
Based in London, we engage with this city, the communities that inhabit it, and the global sites and networks which connect urban communities between cities across the UK and globally.
Read the report to find out about a number of selected highlights from across the period.
To receive hard copies of the report for your organisation, please contact urbanlaboratory@ucl.ac.uk.
Image: Commuters at Westminster station (2018). Credit: Jessica Chan