UCL Behaviour Change Month
1 November 2012
What shapes human behaviour? What stands in the way of long-term behaviour change? How can research inform the design of effective interventions to change behaviour? Where should we most effectively intervene at the macro or the micro level? How do we measure behaviour change?
UCL Behaviour Change Month 2012, a series of cross-disciplinary talks, discussions, and workshops to facilitate new collaborations and encourage and stimulate creative thinking is hosted by the UCL Grand Challenge of Human Wellbeing and organised by Susan Michie (UCL Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology), Professor of Health Psychology.
Places are still available for UCL students, staff and members of the public. To book a place contact Kasia Diez (k.diez@ucl.ac.uk), Office of the UCL Vice-Provost (Research).
Programme (details at www.ucl.ac.uk/human-wellbeing/behaviour-change)
19 November: Where next for nudge policy?
20 November: The myth of apathy: Going beyond behavior change
22 November: Nudging bests informing? Can technologyreally promote fitness?
29 November: Was Churchill right? First we shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us, Winston Churchill, 1943
January 2013: Behaviour Change Research Prize Workshop £10,000