UCL Urban Laboratory Open House for UCL students
17 October 2018, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
The Bartlett, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB
We're pleased to host our very first Open House to welcome and introduce new and returning UCL students at all levels to the work of the Urban Laboratory.
Established in 2005, we are a world-leading centre for cross-disciplinary urban research, teaching and impact. Over a drinks reception we will present a number of our recent projects with the staff and students involved in our activities, alongside a chance to pick up some of our publications and to meet students from other urban courses at the university.
The event will also act as a launch for two new Urban Laboratory projects:
- Counterspeculations audio tour
A sonic guide to the nuances of financialisation hidden in plain sight in the City of London, produced by the UCL Urban Laboratory and the ReImagining Value Action Lab at Lakehead University, with Dr Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou (UCL) and Dr Max Haiven (Lakehead University, Canada).
- Power to the Citizen!
A manifesto for the public authoring of our cities, identifying new collaborative mechanisms for citizen-led digital city making. Produced by Dr Claire McAndrew (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL) in collaboration with the UCL Urban Laboratory and UCL Engineering Exchange.
The event is open to all UCL students with an interest in urban topics and issues, but you are asked to register for a ticket so that we can gauge numbers for the event.
Access information
- There is step free access throughout the building from street level.
Booking information
- You can book using the form below or on Eventbrite.
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Further information