Space meets education: Bartlett - Institute of Education Research Exchange
24 November 2016, 4:00 pm–7:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
UCL Institute of Education, Elvin Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Two of UCL's world leading research groups - the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment and the Institute of Education (IOE) - host a fast-paced event where key research themes are explained from diverse disciplinary perspectives. The evening will facilitate learning from each other, the potential to identify subjects for joint research ventures and to generate new knowledge on the interface of education and space.
Covering several key themes, colleagues across The Bartlett and
IOE will present recent research. Alan Penn, Dean of The Bartlett, and
Alison Fuller, Pro-Director: Research and Development for the IOE, will
conclude by leading a discussion around emerging joint research
directions. The event will be followed by refreshments and networking.
- Digital Environments
- Sustainability and Learning Outcomes
- Learning Spaces
- Educating the Future
- Future Research Themes
Presentations: 4-6pm
Refreshments & Networking: 6pm onwards
Alan Penn: Dean, Bartlett Faculty
Alison Fuller: Pro-Director: Research and Development, IOE
Carey Jewitt: UCL Knowledge Lab, IOE
Andy Hudson-Smith: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Bartlett
Martin Austwick: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Bartlett
Andrew Burn: UCL Knowledge Lab, IOE
Dejan Mumovic: Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, Bartlett
Julie Dockrell: Psychology & Human Development, IOE
Alexi Marmot: Bartlett Faculty
Clare Melhuish: UCL Urban Laboratory
Rose Luckin: UCL Knowledge Lab, IOE
Frosso Pimenides: School of Architecture, Bartlett
Richard Freeman: Psychology & Human Development, IOE