Housing for Urbanites
08 January 2015, 7:00 pm–8:15 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
The ABA Gallery, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EL
Clare Melhuish, Urban Lab Research Associate, will be in discussion on the origins and evolution of Patrick Hodgkinson's design for housing as part of an integrated mixed-use scheme in Bloomsbury, the Brunswick Centre. The talk will address the subsequent perceptions and experience of the Brunswick as home by those who have occupied it in the intervening 40 years.
Clare Melhuish is a writer and researcher at the intersection of architecture, urbanism and anthropology. She is currently Research Associate in the Urban Laboratory at UCL, working on case study research in university-led urban regeneration in relation to UCL's recently announced plans for a new campus in the Olympic Park. Her other current research areas are urban development, its visualisation, and material impacts in Doha, Qatar, and the role of Modernist architecture and aesthetics in urban development in the Caribbean.
Standard tickets: £6
The event is organised by Docomomo UK, for more information email info@docomomo-uk.co.uk, or phone 020 7253 662.