Urban Pamphleteer #3 launch: Design & Trust at Cities Methodologies 2014
30 October 2014, 6:30 pm–9:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Slade Research Centre, UCL, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0HB
Join us for the launch of Urban Pamphleteer #3: Design & Trust, on Thursday 30th October from 6:30pm at the Slade Research Centre, as part of the programme for Cities Methodologies 2014.
Urban Pamphleteer is a series of publications that confront key contemporary urban questions from diverse perspectives. Written in a direct and accessible tone, these pamphlets draw on the history of radical pamphleteering as a tool for instigating change.
Design & Trust asks what the consequences are of prioritising defence and security as a first principle in design - an issue that has recently fired up the news agenda in public campaigns to remove 'anti-homeless' spikes and critiques of so-called 'hostile architecture' in public spaces. The publication asks what forces - social, professional, commercial and technological - have shaped design against crime strategies, and features a range of expert contributors who contextualise crime prevention through environmental design at the local and global scale. It also includes a number of essays that question how physical boundaries and surveillance impact on our sense of place and wellbeing, and suggests ways that design can engender feelings of trust instead of fear.
A number of the researchers and artists featured in this issue will be in conversation to summarise their contributions.
Contributors include Matthew Ingleby, Anne Bottomley & Nathan Moore, Lorraine Gamman & Adam Thorpe, Johan Andersson, Max Colson, Stamatis Zografos, Samir Singh, Henrietta Williams, Jonathan Gardner, Thireshen Govender & Andrew Charman, Tilly Fowler & Anna Hart, Alaistair Steele, Michele Acuto, and extracts by Teresa P. R. Caldeira & AbdouMaliq Simone.
Urban Pamphleteer is supported by the UCL Grand Challenge of Sustainable Cities and the UCL Urban Laboratory.
A full programme for Cities Methodologies can be found here.