Cities Methodologies 2014: Walking Roundtable - Learning to Walk
02 May 2014, 12:00 pm–2:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Slade Research Centre, UCL, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0HB
This roundtable discussion, themed 'Learning to Walk,' brings together a range of thinkers, researchers, practitioners and artists who have engaged walking as a method and a way of experiencing and understanding the city. Each speaker will present their own approach to walking in 5-10mins and a discussion across the diversity of walking practices, and different approaches to thinking about walking, will ensue.
Places are limited and you must book via Eventbrite to confirm a space.
The roundtable will be moderated by ThienVinh Nguyen (PhD student, UCL Geography), and features Tom Bolton (Author, London's Lost Rivers: A Walker's Guide, 2011); Jonathan Hill (Professor of Architecture and Visual Theory, Bartlett School of Architecture); Amy Thomas (PhD student, Bartlett School of Architecture); Rab Harling (UCL Urban Laboratory Leverhulme Artist-in-residence); David Kendall (Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Urban and Community Research, Goldsmiths, University of London); Graham Gussin (situationist); Andy Wicks (artist); Gabriela Garcia de Cortazar (architect and academic); Sabeth Tödtli (Co-founder, zURBS and Nextzürich); Nina Lund Westerdahl (zURBS); Cecilie Sachs Olsen (Co-founder, zURBS and PhD researcher at Queen Mary University of London, School of Geography); and Jennie Savage (artist).
Roundtable participants will discuss:
- What brought them to explore and utilise walking as a practice in their work;
- If and how they theorise their walking practice, and/or historical precedents for their approach?
- Walking as a pedagogic strategy;
- Whether we are experiencing a re-emergence of walking as a methodology? If so, why?
- How walking might contribute to better, or better understood, cities;
- What makes urban walking distinct?
The four walks preceding this roundtable are:
- A Silent Circle in King's Cross (Monday 28 April, 16:00-18:00)
Money Walks: Profit, power and pedestrians in the City of London (Tuesday 29 April, 10:00-12:00)
- London's Lost Rivers - River Fleet (Wednesday 30 April, 18:00-20:00)
- Tracing Invisible Londons (Thursday 1 May, 18:00-20:30)
Cities Methodologies is an ongoing programme of events and exhibitions dedicated to presenting, sharing and experimenting with new methods of urban research. You can see the other events lined up for the week here.
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Image: zURBs