Cities Methodologies 2014: Walking Methodologies - London's Lost Rivers: River Fleet
30 April 2014, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
River Fleet, from St. Pancras to Blackfriars
Under London's pavements are the city's lost rivers, hidden in tunnels and sewers. The most famous, the Fleet, runs straight through central London just below the surface, but few know it is there. Follow the lower Fleet from St. Pancras to Blackfriars with Tom Bolton, author of London's Lost Rivers (2011), and hear how the river ran with blood, cured the sick, shaped the city and entered London myth. This guided walk is part of the Walking Methodologies programme within Cities Methodologies.
The walk will take two hours. Meet outside the Pancras Road exit of St Pancras station (opposite the concourse of King's Cross station). The walk is free and open to all, but places are limited. Please book via Eventbrite.
There are three other walks taking place as part of Walking Methodologies. There will also be an exhibition in the Slade Research Centre throughout the week and a roundtable discussion takes place on Friday 2 May.
The four walks during the Cities Methodologies week are:
- A Silent Circle in King's Cross (Monday 28 April, 16:00-18:00)
Money Walks: Profit, power and pedestrians in the City of London (Tuesday 29 April, 10:00-12:00)
- London's Lost Rivers - River Fleet (Wednesday 30 April, 18:00-20:00)
- Tracing Invisible Londons (Thursday 1 May, 18:00-20:30)
Cities Methodologies is an ongoing programme of events and exhibitions dedicated to presenting, sharing and experimenting with new methods of urban research. You can see the other events lined up for the week here.
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Image credit: The mouth of the River Fleet at Blackfriars Bridge (Mark Jobling)