Future Univercities: seminar series
09 May 2013–29 May 2013, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
See venues for each seminar below
In the context of recent dramatic changes to the UK higher education sector, the rapid privatization of universities, new proposals for their future expansion, and changes to the financial models through which they sustain their work, the primary aim of these seminars is to provide a forum for critical debate and stimulate wider discussion amongst the UCL community on the future role of universities. In each session 3-4 experts will give talks and participate in discussion. The first seminar will focus on the spatial strategies of universities and in relation to urban development and globalisation; the second will explore issues around funding and accountability; and the third will examine the platforms through which universities engage the public.
RSVP - free but registration essential
All seminars will take place 6-8pm.
Seminar 1: 9 May 2013
Space: Universities, Cities and Globalisation
Confirmed speakers:
Professor Allan Cochrane, Head of Social Policy and Criminology, The Open University and former Vice-Chancellor, The Open University
Professor Alan Harding, Management School, University of Liverpool
Dr Pushpa Arabindoo, UCL Urban Laboratory and Department of Geography
VENUE: UCL, Archaeology Lecture Theatre G6, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY
Seminar 2: 20 May 2013
Structures: Governance, Finance and Accountability
Confirmed speakers:
Dr Andrew McGettigan, freelance researcher and author of The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Higher Education
Professor Jan Toporowski, Department of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
Dr Beth Perry, Associate Director of SURF (The Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures) and Director of the Greater Manchester Local Interaction Platform.
Professor Mike Raco, UCL Bartlett School of Planning
VENUE: UCL, Chadwick Lecture Theatre, Chadwick Building, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT
Seminar 3: 29 May 2013
Platforms: Access, Participation and Publishing
Confirmed speakers:
Dr Rathna Ramanathan, Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design
Professor Johnny Golding, Professor of Philosophy & Fine Art, Director, Centre for Fine Art Research, Birmingham City University
Dr Mike Taylor, Earth Sciences, University of Bristol and contributor to The Guardian
VENUE: UCL, Archaeology Lecture Theatre G6, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY
Although aimed principally at UCL staff and students, interested members of the public are welcome to attend these seminars, and the discussions will be documented and disseminated publicly.
You are welcome to sign up for one or more sessions - but places are limited so please cancel your booking if you are unable to attend.