IVSA 2013 Annual Conference: The Public Image
08 July 2013–10 July 2013, 12:00 am–12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
Goldsmiths, University of London
The International Visual Sociology Association 2013 Annual Conference will take place from 8 to 10 July 2013 at Goldsmiths, University of London. The conference will be hosted by CUCR - Centre for Urban and Community Research gold.ac.uk/cucr
Inspired by Michael Burawoy's concept of "public sociology," we dedicate the 2013 IVSA conference to the concept of the "public image", and the ways that visual sociology can meet Burawoy's challenge to bring a sociological understanding of social life to a vibrant, active and diverse public. Public sociology endeavors to bring sociology into dialogue with audiences beyond the academy, an open dialogue in which both sides deepen their understanding of public issues. Themes covered this year include:
activisim and engagement * walking and seeing the city * surveillance * public and private images * resilience and urban change * social networks and virtual image worlds * new visual methodologies * rethinking visual theory * urban visibilities and invisibilities * visual ethics * visual sociological publics
Visual sociologists and related scholars, including independent scholars and other visual practitioners, are invited to take part in this event.
As well as the parallel panel session, the conference will also include keynote and plenary addresses, walks, and workshops. The 2013 Rieger Award will be announced and celebrated during the meetings.
As part of the conference UCL Urban Laboratory Director Dr Ben Campkin and International Advisory Board member Dr Rebecca Ross (Central Saint Martins) will be running a panel with Dr Mariana Mogilevich (New York University), 'Picturing Place: the agency of images in urban change'. The panel will feature four papers, 'The Picturing Place Methodology', explaining a methodology for considering how different kinds of professional and vernacular images relate to the built environment, and to structure fine grained analysis of their production, operation and dissemination; 'Images and Communities in Regeneration Conflicts', in which Ben Campkin will discuss the operation of images within recent conflicts over large-scale housing 'regeneration' in London; 'Dots on the Ground: Place, Pictures, and Politics', in which Mariana Mogilevich will ask what role pictures play in making large-scale urban interventions comprehensible to their publics; and 'Images and Expertise in the Built Environment', in which Rebecca Ross will examine interactions between specialist and nonspecialist visual languages related to urban intervention.
Please submit general enquiries to: IVSACUCR@gold.ac.uk