UCL Geography Lunchtime Seminars
13 November 2012–11 December 2012, 12:30 pm–2:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Room 113, 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP
Autumn 2012
All held on Tuesdays, 12.30-14.00 (coffee from 12.00)
All welcome.
13 November. Worlds of relatedness: comparing trajectories of urban development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou. Professor Ola S�derstr�m (Institute of Geography, Universit� de Neuch�tel). Chair: Jennifer Robinson
20 November. Mobilities and mutations: financing urban infrastructure in the twenty first century. Professor Kevin Ward (Geography, University of Manchester). Chair: Myfanwy Taylor
27 November. What�s wrong with best practice? Questioning the typification of New Urbanism. Dr Susan Moore (Bartlett School of Planning, UCL). Chair: Andrew Harris
4 December. Soviet communism and the British planning movement: rational learning or Utopian imagining? Professor Stephen Ward (Department of Planning, Oxford Brookes University). Chair: Tauri Tuvikene.
11 December. Peripatetic planning: Tracing the mobility of Bus Rapid Transit through South African cities. Astrid Wood (Department of Geography, UCL). Chair: Matthew Gandy