
UCL Urban Laboratory


Metropolitan History. Seminars at The Institute of Historical Research (IHR), School of Advanced Study, University of London

21 November 2012–13 March 2013, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm

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Holden Room (103), first floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Convenors: Dr Matthew Davies, Professor Vivian Bickford-Smith, Dr Richard Dennis, Dr Carlos Lopez Galvis

Autumn term 2012

21 November. Westminster as the seat of national government: the long view. Roland Quinault (IHR)

5 December. People and things on the move: domestic material culture and mobility in nineteenth - century London. Alastair Owens (QMUL) 

Spring Term 2013

16 January. The rise and fall of John Sperni, Mayor of St Pancras 1937-1938. Robin Woolven

30 January. The stormy latitude of the law: Chancery Lane and spatial politics in late eighteenth-century London. Francis Boorman (IHR).

13 February. Whose Home? Jewish migration and local reaction in the East End of London 1870-1914. Oliver Betts (York).

27 February. Auctions, maps, leases and 'narrations' of property: representing commodified space in Delhi, 1911-47. Anish Vanaik (Oxford).

13 March. 'Riding on Top of the Car': cinematic tram and urban transformation. Karolina Kendall-Bush (UCL).