Backlash? the resurgence of homophobic violence in contemporary London
11 February 2010, 10:00 am–5:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
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Room G02, Bartlett School of Architecture, Wates House, UCL
UCL LGBT History Month - February 2010
An interdisciplinary UCL Urban Laboratory workshop aimed at postgraduate urban researchers, academics and practitioners.
Recent attacks in London and other cities have brought homophobia to the surface of urban life alongside other forms of hate crime and lines of social and cultural division. Across a range of urban disciplines -including geography, architecture, art and crime science - this UCL Urban Laboratory workshop will contextualise media reports of are surgence of homophobia in the UK in relation to broader debates over citizenship, sexuality and urban space in London and internationally.
Supported by: UCL Grand Challenge of Intercultural Interaction | UCL LGBT Staff Network | UCL Bartlett School of Architecture.
Organised by Sonal Bharadva, Ben Campkin, Sarah Guise and Brent Pilkey.
Speakers and session chairs include:
Johan Andersson (University of Leeds);
Oreet Ashery (artist and AHRC Fellow);
Gavin Brown (University of Leicester);
Ben Campkin (UCL Bartlett);
Marian Duggan (University of Sheffield);
Matthew Gandy (UCL Urban Laboratory);
Paul Harfleet (artist);
Susan Paterson (Metropolitan Police);
Barbara Penner (UCL Bartlett);
Brent Pilkey (UCL Bartlett);
Jane Rendell (UCL Bartlett);
Sant Suwatcharapinun (Chiang Mai University).
Enquiries: Sonal Bharadva
Tel: 0207 679 9764 (ext. 09764), Email:
Publiclecture: The workshop will be followed by a lecture by human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, The global struggle for queer rights: fighting political and religious fundamentalism worldwide, JZYoung Lecture Theatre.