Module Director: Dr Michael Emes
Credits: 15
Assessment: Project Concept Report (80%), Project Concept Presentation (20%)
The Technology Management Research Project Concept ('Project Concept') with its associated Report (3000 words) and Presentation (30 minutes) is a compulsory part of the MSc in Technology Management. The purpose of the Project Concept is:
- To explain the purpose and importance of the project, and to identify previous work that has been done that is relevant to the project (literature review)
- To describe how a subsequent research project could be successfully completed (a 'project plan'), including the tasks anticipated, the relationship between the tasks, and an assessment of any risks involved.
You will be encouraged to discuss ideas for your project with tutors and they will help you to firm up your proposal. Once the approximate scope is agreed, an academic supervisor is appointed who will help you through the Project Concept module and the subsequent Research Project.
Soon after submitting the Concept Report, you will be asked to give a 30-minute presentation (including around 10 minutes for questions and answers) to explain your concept to a panel of tutors and other students.
The report should contain the following sections:
- Overview
- Strategic Importance of the Research
- Background and literature review
- Objectives
- Success Criteria
- Strategy
- Risks
- Safety
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Schedule
- Project Organisation
- Resources
- Contact details
Whilst the Project Concept is a deliverable in its own right, it serves the additional function of ensuring that any subsequent Research Project is based on solid foundations.
Your presentation of the Project Concept to fellow students and tutors gives a valuable opportunity for feedback, helping to ensure that the subsequent Research Project makes a real contribution to the relevant body of knowledge, and is realistic in scope given the time available.