7 questions with Roan chavez
8 February 2018

Roan Chavez is a Graduate Energy Specialist at Octopus Energy. Before graduating she interned with Sustainable UCL and worked on embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into UCL’s curriculum as well as reducing traffic congestion on campus. See what she's been up to below.
1. What did you study and when did you graduate?
Chemistry. 2017
2. Why did you choose to study this subject and how has it informed your career path?
I always liked science. It suits the way I think. It gave me the opportunity to specialise in renewables.
3. What was the most interesting thing you did, or got involved with while at UCL?
Probably environmental auditing with Green Impact - it looked great on my CV!
4. What do you miss most from your time at UCL?
Free time, fewer responsibilities.
5. What one piece of advice would you like to share with UCL students?
Don't set your heart on a career in first year; you will change your mind. Be open.
If you were back at UCL for the day what one thing would you do?
Get the salmon wrap from gordon's cafe, obviously.
6. Who inspires you and why?
Al Gore
7. What would it surprise people to know about you?
I used to buy plastic water bottles