UCL School of Management's new fit-out achieves RICS SKA Gold for sustainability!
16 January 2017

The fit-out of the new UCL School of Management on Level 38, 1 Canada Square has successfully achieved RICS Ska Gold, the highest possible sustainable fit-out rating.
What is particularly impressive and encouraging about this achievement is that it shows high quality spaces are compatible with high sustainability standards. The facility incorporated specialist furniture and lighting and installed two state of the art Harvard-style lecture theatres using sustainable materials without compromising quality.
In addition, being off campus, the project did not benefit from many of UCL’s campus wide sustainability initiatives such as our sustainable furniture suppliers or use of our logistics service to reduce vehicle movements. The project therefore had to take extra steps to ensure compliance with our sustainability requirements and sourced products, processed waste and incorporated energy measures which met both high quality and environmental standards.
Using the Ska scheme for the first time, Canary Wharf Contractors made a great success of the project and some of the key highlights are listed below.
- The first ‘off campus’ project to achieve a Ska Gold
- Illustration that high-quality state of the art spaces, bringing in new and specialist materials, can be compliant with sustainability
- Significant focus on designing the area as an optimum learning environment through ensuring use of low chemical finishes, CO2 monitors, high ventilation rates and acoustic design in line with industry good practise around noise reduction
- The project used a wide range of sustainable materials including A+ rated sustainable flooring and ceilings, sustainable paints and finishes and FSC certified timber on all products
- Zero waste to landfill and 97% of waste recycled, the remaining 3% being burnt for energy
- Despite being off campus, adequate cycling provision has been provided for occupants and storage space provided for users
- Significant reduction of travel movement to and from site as part of an estate wide policy
- Outstanding Considerate Constructor Scheme score which benefitted from CWC offering UCL students the chance to visit a live construction site.
View our Construction page to find out more about what UCL is doing to make its estate sustainable.