Re-imagining a Sustainable Campus- UCL Competition
10 February 2017

Illustrate your visions of a sustainable University for your chance to win £300 and have your designs published in the UCL Sustainability Annual Report 2015-2016.
'Highlighting Oppression' Illustration: Michael Quach
This illustration by Michael Quach a Bartlett student displayed in the Guardian Newspaper inspired this competition and we hope to get submissions which are to the same degree of quality and imagination.
At Sustainable UCL we are responsible for driving forward the University’s sustainability aims and objectives. We do this by working with the UCL community to embed sustainability into research, buildings and behaviours to improve sustainability literacy, increase efficiency, save money and help create a more pleasant space for students and staff to work and study.
Each year, we produce UCL's Sustainability Annual Report (with images and case studies) to showcase UCL's achievements and progress towards sustainability against our aims and objectives. See UCL’s 2014-2015 Annual Sustainability Report.
This year we are challenging you to create the images/illustrations for the 2015-2016 report. We are looking for images/illustrations which showcase your vision of a sustainable University.
The winning selections will be exhibited in physical form at UCL and published in the 2015-2016 report as part of the Sustainability Annual Report launch in April. The best overall entry will be awarded £300 and there will be 2 runner-up winners who will receive £100 each.
The designs will be judged by a panel at UCL involving academics and members of the Sustainability Team.
What should your illustrations show?
We're asking you to illustrate your vision of a sustainable University. The chosen images will reflect UCL’s Sustainability Aims and Objectives which are:
- To create a campus which supports UCL’s academic, research and enterprise activities in a sustainable way
- To enable, empower and support all UCL communities to address our environmental sustainability impacts
- To provide the education, advancement, dissemination and application of sustainable development
- To maximise the wider impact of UCLs environmental sustainability activities at local, regional, national and international level through collaboration, partnership and communications
You are encouraged to think creatively about how UCL could look in the future as sustainability continues to be a top priority for the institution. The competition challenges you to address the relationship between UCL and the city (with its limited space, historical buildings and pollution) and to think about how the institution might manage its local and global impacts as well as build on its world class academic reputation to:
- Promote sustainable practices and improve awareness
- Improve education for sustainable development
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Reduce water use
- Minimise waste generation and optimise sustainable procurement
- Sustainably develop its estate which is growing
- Reduce the impacts of travel and transport
- Contribute to local biodiversity
Who can enter?
All students, undergraduates and postgraduates at UCL can enter. Bartlett and Engineering students are encouraged to participate.
How to enter?
Send your illustrations/images- up to a maximum of 3- to by March 15th 11.59pm.
- Students are allowed to submit work that they have previously completed if it meets the brief or they can submit new work.
- Entrants must provide his/her full name, course, contact details and a paragraph of up to 200 words explaining their concept along with their designs.
- Entries must be digital in the format of Esp file or jpegs, resolution must be a minimum of 300dpi.
- All entrants must be the sole owner and author of his/her entry.
- Designs must be innovative and of high quality.
For more information please contact UCL's Sustainability Communications Officer, Hannah Biggs at
Entrants must read and accept our terms and conditions to enter.
Deadline: March 15th 11.59pm.