'Whole Earth?' environmental exhibition comes to Gordon Square Gardens
16 September 2015

A new free exhibition is running in Gordon Square Gardens from the 21st September - 16th October, tackling the environmental challenges we face in a changing and increasingly interconnected world.

7 Days of Garbage' by Gregg Segal, one of the images featured in the exhibition
A collaboration between Sustainable UCL and UCL ISR, with support from UCL Global Citizenship Programme, UCL Civil Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, UCL Grand Challenges, UCL Energy Institute and UCL Institute of Global Prosperity, UCL joins universities across the UK, Europe and Australia to host the Whole Earth? exhibition by renowned photographer Mark Edwards.
The exhibition aims to provide the kind of evidence students need to join the debate about their future. But it's not prescriptive – it's an invitation to students and the wider university community to articulate the kind of world they want to live in, and, through Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS) work to push political and business leaders to take the difficult long-term decisions that underpin security for all.
Visit the exhibition for free in Gordon Square Gardens and join the debate - tweet and post your thoughts and reactions to the exhibition on social media using#studentearth. Find out more about the project here.
Whole Earth? can be found in Gordon Square Gardens, next to the UCL Institute of Archaeology.
Whole Earth? has been possible thanks to generous support from the following partners:
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Sustainable UCL
Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
The Global Citizenship Programme
UCL Energy Institute
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
UCL Grand Challenges
The project team would like to express their gratitude to colleagues within UCL Estates for their help and support, and to the University of London for giving their permission to use the gardens for the exhibition.