Will your department take part in UCL Green Impact?
31 October 2014

Green Impact, UCL's annual sustainability programme is now live for the 2014-15 period, and all departments and divisions are encouraged to get involved.
Green Impact is all about departments and divisions coming together to improve their environmental impact. It's an accreditation scheme and competition that recognises achievement, saves money and boosts employability.
Break big changes into simple steps
Green Impact helps by breaking down environmental improvements (and meeting your legal obligations) into simple, bite-size actions. These are set out in an online workbook that makes this easy, more participatory and more fun. And UCL's Sustainability Team is on hand to provide help, every step of the way.
Build on your successes
Last year, an incredible 44 teams (covering around 60% of the university) took part in the programme, from engineering and languages, to the careers service and libraries. Teams ran some amazing projects; saving resources, carbon, money and energy. And this year, UCL is aiming for all departments and divisions to take part.
Engage students
Students a vital part of Green Impact. When it comes to auditing departments at the end of the year, the Sustainability Team recruits students and provides them with IEMA-recognised training to help them do this. The Sustainability Team also recruits and trains students to work alongside any staff Green Impact team that thinks it would benefit from extra help and expertise.
Find out more and get involved
Green Impact runs from October 2014 - June 2015. You can find out about the programme here, or just contact the Sustainability Team.
If you'd like to get started, you can register your team’s Green Impact workbook at: www.greenimpact.org.uk/ucl.
Our short film setting out some of UCL's sustainability achievements last year.