New bike racks installed around UCL
19 August 2014
As part of UCL's ongoing work to improve cycling facilities for staff and students, the UCL Sustainability Team have completed the installation of new parking spaces for 181 bikes around the Bloomsbury campus.
96 new spaces have been installed in the Main Quad, 26 behind the Medawar Building and others at the Gordon Square houses and at Ifor Evans Hall. Another 88 spaces will also be installed over the coming months, including new weather-proof spaces in Foster Court.
The British-made cycle racks were designed and installed by Cyclehoop, a company established by UCL alumnus Anthony Lau. Lau, who studied at The Bartlett School of Architecture designed his first Cyclehoop while still a student at UCL.
With hundreds of new parking spaces and improved facilities on the way, we hope that more and more staff and students will consider cycling to and from UCL
Joanna Marshall-Cook, UCL Sustainability Team
As part of the strategy set out in UCL's Travel Plan, these changes represent a wider drive to improve facilities for cyclists at UCL. Other soon-to-be -completed projects include the installation of dedicated CCTV cameras at 1-19 Torrington Place, Foster Court and the Main Quad to provide more security for the bikes parked there. A fixed bike pump and permanent bike repair stand with a variety of tools for maintenance will also soon be accessible to staff and students in Foster Court.
"Cycling is a quick, low cost and low impact way to get around London" stated Joanna Marshall Cook from the Sustainability Team "and we're making real progress to make UCL a cycling university. We know we've still got some way to go, but with hundreds of new parking spaces and improved facilities on the way, we hope that more and more staff and students will consider cycling to and from UCL".
To find out more about UCL's cycling facilities and get tips on cycle safety, visit
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