Sustainable Science Course
07 July 2020, 10:00 am–11:30 am

This course will look at why sustainability is especially relevant to laboratories.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Oj Akhigbe
Learn how UCL's LEAF programme - Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework - is helping technicians address sustainability issues in labs, and improving career development opportunities in the process.
The course, led by creator of LEAF and UCL's Sustainability Labs Advisor, Martin Farley, is aimed at anyone who works around laboratories: science students; technical staff; lab managers; professors; and even those responsible for lab procurement. Only a basic understanding of lab operations is needed to join this course.
This has been updated to be relevant for both those still working in the labs during the Covid19 pandemic as well as those who are unable to work immediately. We'll look at what can be done currently whilst away from the lab, what to consider before returning to the lab, discuss what to consider in case of a '2nd wave', and more.
Pre-booking is essential so please follow the link above to book your place.