Environment Domain Early-career Network Writing Day
16 February 2017, 12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
UCL IOE Room 604
Open to: All UCL researchers with an interest in environmental studies, self-identifying as early career researchers, e.g. PhDs, post-docs, fellows and newly-appointed lecturers.
Writing is a key academic activity for early-career researchers, in producing high quality publications and successful funding proposals. However, writing is also a challenge with many tales of stalled writing projects, rushed thesis chapters, unpublished manuscripts and unfinished grant applications.
The sessions in this one-day event cover multiple aspects of writing relevant to early-career researchers, providing an opportunity to develop key skills critical to a successful career and hear from people embedded in the world of academic writing. This is also a unique opportunity to grab a coffee and network beyond your department in a multidisciplinary environment.
Programme (each session can be booked separately here):
10.00-11.00 Writing your PhD thesis and publishing papers from your thesis Dr Manni Bhatti (Director of academic writing and communication skills, CEGE, UCL)
11.00-12.00 Getting published Speaker TBC
12.00-13.00 (short sessions) Writing a blog Ben Goodwin (Policy Manager, Institution of Civil Engineers), Writing for policy Dr Carla Washbourne (Lecturer, STEaPP, UCL), Working with the media Ruth Howells (Deputy Head of Media Relations, UCL)
13.00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14.00 EDEN termly General Meeting
14.00-15.00 Funding options and grant writing hints and tips Dr Jennifer Hazelton (Research Facilitator, BEAMS, UCL) & Steve Morrison (Research Facilitator, SLASH & IoE, UCL)
15.00-16.30 KEYNOTE Using writing retreats to facilitate academic writing Prof Rowena Murray (Professor of Education, Director of Research, University of Western Scotland)
Prof Rowena Murray’s address will be followed by a discussion on whether, and how, her writing retreat model for academia could benefit UCL researchers and a drinks reception.
We look forward to welcoming you on the day!