
Sustainable UCL


Open day at Sarah's Garden

14 June 2016, 11:00 am–4:00 pm

Event Information

Open to



Sarah's Garden, level 4 terrace, UCL Institute of Education, London WC1H 0AL

Sarah’s Garden is a community project at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE). Created and maintained by students, staff and alumni, the garden is dedicated to the memory of Sarah Douglas, who is remembered with great warmth and affection for her work at UCLU and as General Manager of the IOE Student's Union.

Open day schedule

The Open Day will include garden tours at 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm, lasting around 20 minutes. There will be ‘windowsill’ activities throughout the day at which you can sow a pot of salad leaves or edible flowers, or make a mini bug hotel. Everything is free of charge, but small donations for the garden fund would be most welcome.

At 3pm we will be joined by Professor Becky Francis, Director of the IOE, and Michael Freeman (Sarah’s husband) to plant a tree in Sarah’s memory. Everyone is welcome to come along to this part of the day, particularly if you knew Sarah.

Finding the garden

The garden is on the Level 4 terrace of the IOE (20 Bedford Way) and can be reached from the IOE main entrance or via the steps outside the Institute Bar.

If you have any questions about the Open Day or the garden, please contact Susan McGrath at susan.mcgrath.14@ucl.ac.uk

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