UCL Statistical Science to organise five sessions at ERCIM 2014
30 April 2014
ERCIM is an international conference on computational and methodological statistics. Five of the organised invited sessions at the 2014 event will be given by UCL researchers, namely:
- Dr Maria De Iorio (Biostatistics and Bioinformatics)
- Dr Serge Guillas (New approaches in spatial statistics)
- Dr Giampiero Marra (Bivariate equation models controlling for unobserved confounding: Recent advances and applications)
- Dr Ioannis Kosmidis (Handling nuisance parameters: Advances towards optimal inference in statistics and econometrics)
- Professors Sofia Olhede & Patrick Wolfe (Sparsity and networks).
ERCIM 2014 will take place at the University of Pisa, Italy, from 6-8 December.