Dr Kai-Lan Chang awarded a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship by the United States of America's National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
27 November 2015
The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Fellowships Office has awarded an NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateship to Dr Kai-Lan Chang, PhD graduate of the Department of Statistical Science in 2015, supervised by Dr. Serge Guillas. The objectives of the NRC Research Associateship Programs are (1) to provide postdoctoral and senior scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability opportunities for research on problems, largely of their own choice that are compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratories and (2) to, thereby, contribute to the overall efforts of the laboratories.
The research proposal of Dr Chang is entitled "Uncertainty quantification
of atmospheric variations from ground-based observations". It will start
in 2016 and last for 12 months in the first instance, with a possibility for renewal. The host is the
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Global Monitoring
Division, Boulder, Colorado, USA. It follows the work of Kai-Lan published in
2015 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.