


Disclose a conflict of interest

This guide tells you how to disclose an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. 

Before you start

All staff are required to disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. To help you understand what a conflict is you can:

You’ll need to be logged into the VPN or remote desktop (if not on campus).

You may find it helpful to download the system guide and have it open while you making your disclosure.

1. Access the system

Access the ‘UCL Manage Conflicts and Declare Interests’ system.

2. Add details of the new conflict

Enter details about the conflict. You can save and return to add more details before you submit. 

3. Submit the new conflict

Once you have added all the details and selected a reviewer you can submit the conflict. 

4. Agree a conflict management plan if necessary

If your reviewer determines that there is a conflict, they’ll contact you about developing and agreeing a plan for managing the conflict.