


Book an accessible room (for a meeting or event)

UCL has many accessible rooms. We work with AccessAble to provide campus access guides.   

All new buildings follow our Inclusive Design Standard. 

Before you start

You’ll need:  

  • a UCL internet connection (either on the premises or remotely via Desktop@UCL Anywhere). 
  • to have access to the CMISGo booking system. 
  • your UCL user ID and password. 
  • the name and organisation of any external speaker you plan to have at your event. 
1. Visit AccessAble

Use AccessAble’s database to view buildings’ access guides.  

You can search by buildings or services.  

2. Log into CMISGo

You’ll need to have access to be able to log into the system.

3. Book a centrally bookable room

Follow the instruction from the ‘Book a centrally bookable room) task