This is the structure for students taking Russian alongside another language in either SELCS or SSEES (e.g. Russian and French BA , Russian and Czech BA, Russian and German BA, etc.).
For details on the other language chosen to study alongside Russian, please refer to either the SSEES languages or SELCS webpages.
Students of Modern Languages must choose an interdepartmental module to the value of 15 credits in both Year 1 and Year 2. It is taken as part of the SSEES 60 credits of modules in one year and as part of the SELCS 60 credits of modules in the following year. For example, if a 15 credits interdepartmental module is taken on the SSEES side in Year 1, it must be taken on the SELCS side in Year 2. See list of Interdepartmental modules at the end of this page.
All students take 120 credits of modules in each year (60 credits on the Russian side of the degree).
30 credits compulsory language courses:
Either (when Russian is ab initio):
SERS0001: Comprehension of Russian (Year 1A) and
SERS0002: Use of Russian (Year 1A)
Or (when Russian is post A Level):
SERS0003: Comprehension of Russian (Year 1)
SERS0004: Use of Russian (Year 1)
15 credit Compulsory Russian Culture course:
SERS0008: Russian Short Fiction from Romanticism to Postmodernism
15 credits from core Russian Culture courses:
SERS0010: The Making of Modern Russian Culture
SERS0012: Representations of Russia
SERS0014: Russian Cinema: History, Ideology, Society
Interdepartmental course (see above)
Modules in the other language 60 credits (including 15 credit Interdepartmental course if not taken from SSEES side)
30 credits compulsory language courses:
Either (when Russian is ab initio):
SERS0016: Comprehension of Russian (Year 2A) and
SERS0018: Use of Russian (Year 2A)
Or (when Russian is post A Level):
SERS0020: Comprehension of Russian (Year 2) and
SERS0022: Use of Russian (Year 2)
15 credits from core Russian Culture courses:
Either: SERS0033: Identities in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature
SERS0034: The Petersburg ‘Text’ in Russian Literature and Culture: From Romanticism to Modernism
15 credits from: Russian Culture course or
Interdepartmental course (see above)
60 credits from: Courses in the other language (including 15 credits Interdepartmental course if not taken from SSEES side)
15 credit compulsory language course:
SERS0039: Use of Russian (Year 4)
45 credits from:
Optional Russian Culture courses* (*Courses in Year 4 may include a further 15 credits of Russian language)
60 credits from: Courses in the other language** 14 ** Year 4 Students of Russian and an East European Language who have taken Language Level 3 in Year 2 must take the Freestanding Dissertation or additional optional Year 4 East European courses.
Interdepartmental Modules
Students of Modern Languages must choose an interdepartmental module to the value of 15 credits in both Year 1 and Year 2. These are modules with codes beginning either ELCS or SEEE and any module may be taken in these groups. If you include the interdepartmental module in the SSEES 30 credits in one year you must include it in the SELCS 30 credits in the other year, or vice versa.
The SSEES Interdepartmental modules can be found here:
- SSEES Modules in the sub-section “Intermediate Level Modules (Interdepartmental)”.
You may also take any intermediate level ELCS module listed on the SELCS webpages