
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Dr Zora Kostadinova

Zora Kostadinova

Supervisors: Dr Eric Gordy (SSEES) and Prof Charles Stewart (Anthropology)

Email: z.kostadinova.12@ucl.ac.uk

Present status: PhD candidate

Working title of thesis: "Becoming good (again) ": personhood, subjectivities and everyday ethics and practice amongst Sufis in Sarajevo

Research: My research is about formations of ethical personhoods through the practice of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, in postwar and postsocialist Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. I analyse Sufism as a new arena  for ethical self-formation. I look into forms of agencies emerging in a secular and a religious sense, and the way they are negotiated in the everyday.  

Publications“An Education of the Heart”: Revival of Sufism in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 22 January 2018, Maydan, an online publication of Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University https://www.themaydan.com/2018/01/education-heart-revival-sufism-bosnia-...

‘And When the Heart is Sick, the Whole Body is Sick.’ Repairing the Person and the Urban Fabric through Everyday Sufi Ethics in post-war Sarajevo, Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, Special section: Urban Ethnography (Guest Editor of this issue: Ger Duijzings), 65, no. 1 (2018)