Supervisors: Dr Eric Gordy (SSEES) and Prof Charles Stewart (Anthropology)
Present status: PhD candidate
Working title of thesis: "Becoming good (again) ": personhood, subjectivities and everyday ethics and practice amongst Sufis in Sarajevo
Research: My research is about formations of ethical personhoods through the practice of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, in postwar and postsocialist Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. I analyse Sufism as a new arena for ethical self-formation. I look into forms of agencies emerging in a secular and a religious sense, and the way they are negotiated in the everyday.
Publications: “An Education of the Heart”: Revival of Sufism in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 22 January 2018, Maydan, an online publication of Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University
‘And When the Heart is Sick, the Whole Body is Sick.’ Repairing the Person and the Urban Fabric through Everyday Sufi Ethics in post-war Sarajevo, Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, Special section: Urban Ethnography (Guest Editor of this issue: Ger Duijzings), 65, no. 1 (2018)