
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Tallin Skyline, Estonia


Admissions and Engagement Office

The Admissions and Engagement Office provides support to all UG & PG prospective students, alumni and manages one-off conferences and events for SSEES.

If you are a prospective student and wish to visit, please pre-book an appointment at ugadmissions@ssees.ucl.ac.uk. General UCL campus tours can be booked at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/campus-tours/  

Admissions and Engagement Office

Lisa Walters  

Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment Manager  

  • Manages UCL SSEES admissions process 
  • Coordinates student recruitment, marketing and communications strategy for the School
  • Oversight of all SSEES digital channels
  • Alumni support


Tel: 020 7679 8830 (Internal 28830)
Email: l.walters@ucl.ac.uk
Room: 309

Lisa Walters

Katerina Papakyriakopoulou

Student Recruitment, Marketing and Communications Officer

  • Deals with undergraduate, postgraduate and affiliate applications and prospective student enquiries.
  • UCL SSEES Open Days and Outreach Activity.
  • Website editorial support.


Tel: 020 7612 6921 (Internal 06921) 
Email: k.papakyriakopoulou@ucl.ac.uk
Room: 309


Patricia Gabalova 

Events and Communications Officer

  • Event management – project manages one-off conferences and other events developed by SSEES.


Tel: 020 7679 8754 (Internal 28754)
Email: p.gabalova@ucl.ac.uk
Room: 309