Join the School of Some Energetic Excitable Steppers
14 December 2021

Start off January 2022 with a virtual walking challenge and learn about various aspects of a SSEES-specific country. You can vote here by 21 December. The route will be revealed then!
If you would like to participate, join the School of Some Energetic Excitable Steppers Teams channel, where you can meet other fellow Steppers and add your steps count each Monday. Throughout the month, we will be sharing various facts about this specific country across our social media and maybe even your stories if you have visited. Walk, learn and connect with nature. This virtual walking challenge is open to all – staff, students, alumni and furry friends across UCL.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with the SSEES Wellbeing & Green Champion, Barbora Posluch.
Image Credit: Michael Wozniak