Call for Papers: SSEES Postgraduates Conference 2018 - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 3RD DECEMBER
12 October 2017
The PGC 2018 Conference Committee is proud to announce the 15th Biennial International Postgraduates Conference.

The PGC 2018 Conference Committee is proud to announce the 15th Biennial International Postgraduates Conference. The conference theme is “Uncertainty: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” For the call for papers and an explanation of the conference theme, please access the following PDF file: Call for Papers.
The conference will take place over three days from 12–14 February, 2018, at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) in London, UK.
The aim of the conference is to bring together postgraduate students and early career researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities to showcase new research from across academic disciplines relevant to Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.
This year, a Professional Development Event on publishing will be held at the conference. The event aims to provide advice and strategies on how to publish research. Attendees will also be encouraged to network. The event will feature roundtable discussions on book and journal publishing and how to cultivate an online presence. The roundtable discussants will include representatives from major publishing houses and respected journals, including Peter Sowden, an Asia and Russia and Eastern Europe Book Editor for Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), Philippa Grand, Social Science Publisher and Editorial Director at Emerald Group Publishing, Sharla Plant, a Sociology and Social Policy Publisher for Palgrave Macmillan, Jakob Horstmann, a freelance publisher, Professor Jane Winters, an expert on digital publishing and the humanities at the School of Advanced Study, Professor Claudia Aradau, an editor from the journal Security Dialogue, Birgit Beumers, the lead editor for online journal KinoKultura, Professor Wendy Bracewell, the lead editor for the journal East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures (EEPS), a representative from UCL Press and others. Following the roundtable discussions, there will be a Working and Networking Session where conference attendees will be able to speak with publishers and ask questions in an informal setting.
One of this year’s Keynote Speakers is Dr Frances Pine, an Anthropologist from Goldsmiths, University of London. Dr Pine has been conducting research in Eastern Europe for more than thirty years with a focus on Poland.
UCL SSEES produces some of the most innovative research on Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. The school attracts researchers and students from around the world to participate in seminars and collaborate in programmes. Previous keynote speakers at the UCL SSEES Biennial International Postgraduates Conference include Dr Denisa Kostovicova from the London School of Economics, Professor Stephen Lovell from King's College London, Professor James Mark from the University of Exeter, and Professor László Kontler at Central European University.
To register and submit a proposal for the conference, please fill out the online form at: Paper proposals and proposals for fully formed panels should be no more than 300 words. The application deadline has now been extended to the 3rd December. The language of the conference is English. Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. Successful applicants will be notified on or around 10 December 2017.
UCL SSEES can provide non-UK based applicants with Invitation Letters for visas. Some travel expenses may be covered for applicants, but please seek alternate sources of funding beforehand.
For additional information, for example the conference programme and information on conference sponsors, please visit the conference website:
The conference organising committee is composed of postgraduate students currently conducting doctorate research at UCL SSEES.
For more information on research at UCL SSEES please visit:
For any questions relating to the conference, please email the organisers at