
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Languages and Culture UG Handbook (Russian Studies BA)

Russian Studies BA

  • You must register for exactly 120 credits per year of study;
  • You must have taken and passed 90 credits of Level 6 modules by the end of the final year;
  • You are not permitted to take more than 150 credits of Level 4 modules over the course of your programme;
  • The Year Abroad must be passed
  • All language modules stated as "compulsory" in a given year are non-condonable and MUST be passed by the second attempt in order for a student to progress to the next year.

    Please refer to the main module listings page to check if a module is running or not - https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/undergraduate-module-listings

This programme features three tracks which allow for specialisation depending on your interests. You do not have to indicate your choice of track on application to the programme.

    Track A - Literature and Culture
    Track B - Politics and Culture
    Track C - History and Culture

Year One

* Russian Language - 30 credits
* Core Track modules - between 45 and 75 credits depending on track
* Optional Track modules - between 15 and 45 credits depending on trackCompulsory Modules

30 credits in Compulsory Russian language:

Either (when Russian is ab initio):

    SERS0001 - Comprehension of Russian (Year 1A) (15 Credits)
    SERS0002 - Use of Russian (Year 1A) (15 Credits)

Or (when Russian is post A Level):

    SERS0003 - Comprehension of Russian (Year 1) (15 Credits)
    SERS0005 - Use of Russian (Year 1) (15 Credits)

Core modules by track:

Track A (Literature and Culture) (75 Credits)

    SERS0008 - Russian Short Fiction from Romanticism to Postmodernism (15 Credits)
    SERS0010 - The Making of Modern Russian Culture (15 Credits)
    SERS0012 - Representations of Russia (15 Credits)
    SERS0014 - Russian Cinema: History, Ideology and Society (15 Credits)
    SEEE0013 – Literature and Memory (15 credits)

Track B (Politics and Culture) (45 Credits)

    SESS0016 - Understanding Politics I: The Big Questions in Contemporary Europe (15 credits)
    SESS0017 - Understanding Politics II: How Politics Works (15 credits)
    SERS0010 - The Making of Modern Russian Culture (15 Credits)

Track C (History and Culture) (45 Credits)

    SEHI0003 - Frontiers of History (30 Credits)
    SERS0010 - The Making of Modern Russian Culture (15 Credits)

Optional Modules by track

Track A  (15 Credits)

    A Level 4 or 5 module SEEE**** module  (15 credits)
    A Level 4 or 5 module from SSEES’s other programme areas, or a Level 4 module from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Track B (45 credits)

At least two and a maximum of three from the following:

    SERS0008 - Russian Short Fiction from Romanticism to Postmodernism (15 Credits)
    SERS0012 - Representations of Russia (15 Credits)
    SERS0014 - Russian Cinema: History, Ideology and Society (15 credits)

A maximum of one from the following:

    A Level 4 or 5 module SEEE**** module (15 credits)
    A Level 4 or 5 module from SSEES’s other programme areas, or from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Track C Options (45 Credits)

At least TWO and a maximum of THREE from the following:

    SERS0008 - Russian Short Fiction from Romanticism to Postmodernism (15 Credits)
    SERS0012 - Representations of Russia (15 Credits)
    SERS0014 - Russian Cinema: History, Ideology and Society (15 credits)

A maximum of one from the following:

    A Level 4 or 5 module SEEE**** module (15 credits)
    A Level 4 or 5 module from SSEES’s other programme areas, or from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Year Two

In your second year, you must choose a total of 120 credits

* Russian Language - 30 credits
* Core Track modules - between 30 and 45 credits depending on track
* Optional Track modules - between 45 and 60 credits depending on track

Compulsory Modules

30 credits in Compulsory Russian language

Either (if you entered as a beginner):
•    SERS0016: Comprehension of Russian (Year 2A) (15 credits)
•    SERS0018: Use of Russian (Year 2A) (15 credits)

Or (if you entered with A Level or equivalent):
•    SERS0020: Comprehension of Russian (Year 2) (15 credits)
•    SERS0022: Use of Russian (Year 2) (15 credits)

Track A (Literature and Culture) (45 Credits)

15 credits core Russian culture

SERS0025 - Russian Poetry from Pushkin to Brodsky (15 Credits)

30 credits optional Russian culture - choose two modules from Year 2 Literature/Culture options, for example:

SERS0027 - Russian Cinema Men and Women
SERS0029 - Chekhov The Quest for Freedom
SERS0031 - The Person Love and Utopia in Russian Thought
SERS0033 - Identities in Nineteenth- Century Russian Literature [R] 
SERS0034 - The Petersburg 'Text' in Russian Literature and Culture: From Romanticism to Modernism

Track B (Politics and Culture) (45 Credits)

30 credits core Politics modules

SESS0030 - Russian Politics and Society (15 credits)
SESS0035 – Post-Soviet Politics and Society (15 credits)

15 credits optional Russian culture - choose one module from Year 2 Literature/Culture options, for example:

SERS0027 - Russian Cinema Men and Women
SERS0029 - Chekhov The Quest for Freedom
SERS0031 - The Person Love and Utopia in Russian Thought
SERS0033 - Identities in Nineteenth- Century Russian Literature [R] 
SERS0034 - The Petersburg 'Text' in Russian Literature and Culture: From Romanticism to Modernism

Track C (History and Culture) (45 Credits)

30 credits core History modules

Survey, Thematic or Advanced Seminar modules in History (please see UCL History website)

15 credits optional Russian culture - choose one module from Year 2 Literature/Culture options, for example:

SERS0027 - Russian Cinema Men and Women
SERS0029 - Chekhov The Quest for Freedom
SERS0031 - The Person Love and Utopia in Russian Thought
SERS0033 - Identities in Nineteenth- Century Russian Literature [R] 
SERS0034 - The Petersburg 'Text' in Russian Literature and Culture: From Romanticism to Modernism

Optional Modules by track

Track A (Literature and Culture) (45 Credits)
•    All 45 credits may be chosen from optional Russian culture modules or from Interdepartmental Level 5 modules (SEEE****)
•    A maximum of 30 credits can be taken from Level 5 modules offered in SSEES’s programme areas, or from another UCL department (subject to approval).
Please make sure that you have the prerequisite if one is stated.

Track B (Politics and Culture) (45 Credits)
•    you must choose at least 15 credits, and may choose a further 30 credits, from optional Level 5/6 Russian culture modules or Level 5 Politics modules. 
•    A maximum of 15 credits may be chosen from Level 5 interdepartmental modules (SEEE****)
•    A maximum of 15 credits may be chosen from Level 5 modules in SSEES’s other programme areas, or a Level 5 module from another UCL department (subject to approval). Please make sure that you have the prerequisite if one is stated.

Track C (History and Culture) (45 Credits)
•    all 45 credits may be chosen from optional Level 5/6 Russian culture modules

  • up to 30 credits may be chosen from Survey/Thematic/Advanced seminar History modules

•    up to 15 credits may be chosen from Level 5 interdepartmental modules (SEEE****)

•    A maximum of 15 credits may be taken from Level 5 modules in SSEES’s other programme areas, or a Level 5 module from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Year Abroad

Your third year is spent abroad at an institution in Russia, taking 120 credits. You will normally spend this year studying at a university, but alternatives, such as work placements, may be possible. Further details are contained in the Year Abroad Handbook.

Year Four

By the end of Year 4 you need to have taken a minimum of 90 credits in Level 6 modules over Years 2 and 4 together.

* Russian Language - 30 credits
* Optional Track modules - 90 credits

Compulsory Modules
•    SERS0037 - Comprehension of Russian (Year 4) (15 Credits)
•    SERS0039 - Use of Russian (Year 4) (15 Credits)

Optional Modules
Track A (Literature and Culture) Options (90 Credits)
•    A minimum of 60 and a maximum of 90 credits from optional Level 6 Russian culture modules
•    A maximum of 30 credits from Level 5/6 modules (SEEE****)
•    A maximum of 15 credits from Level 5/6 modules from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Track B (Politics and Culture) Options (90 Credits)
•    A minimum of 30 and a maximum of 90 credits from optional Level 6 Russian culture modules
•    A maximum of 60 credits from optional Level 6 Politics modules
•    A maximum of 30 credits from Level 5/6 modules (SEEE****)
•    A maximum of 15 credits from Level 5/6 modules from another UCL department (subject to approval).

Track C (History and Culture) Options (90 Credits)
•    A minimum of 30 and a maximum of 90 credits from optional Level 6 Russian culture 
•    A minimum of 0 and a maximum of 60 credits from optional Level 5/6 History modules delivered by UCL History
•    A maximum of 30 credits from Level 5/6 modules (SEEE****)
•    A maximum of 15 credits from Level 5/6 module from another UCL department (subject to approval)