Endangered and Minoritised Languages of Eastern and Southeastern Europe
07 May 2024, 1:00 pm–5:20 pm

Please join us for this PROLang event on the endangered and minoritised languages of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (and beyond). This will be a hybrid event. For full programme please see the attachment at the bottom of this page.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Masaryk roomUCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies16 Taviton streetLondonWC1H 0BW
Quite a few of the languages spoken in Eastern and Southeastern Europe are currently endangered, and some have even come on the verge of extinction. Others, while very robust on the territories where they are official or national languages, are nonetheless marginalized in countries where they are spoken only by relatively small groups.
This seminar aims to raise the general public’s awareness of the existence and status of some of the endangered and minoritised languages of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (and beyond), and to inform the more specialized audience about the current stage of research, documentation, and efforts of preservation or reclamation of those languages, which include members of the Indo-European (Albanian-related, Indo-Aryan, Romance and Slavic) and Finno-Ugric families.
As regional borders are mere conventions, a section is dedicated to languages that transcend, in a way or another, the current conventional boundaries.
This event will be livestreamed online.
Image credit: Ramona Gonczol