Women and Love under Communism: Swallowing Mercury by Wioletta Greg in discussion with Urszula Chowaniec
05 June 2017, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

Event Information
Waterstones Bookstore, 82 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6EQ
This is a chance to meet and talk to a Polish London-based writer, Wioletta Greg, long-listed for the Man Booker International Prize this year.
She will discuss and read from her book Swallowing Mercury as well as review other themes as women, love, writing about sex in Polish contemporary literature. Was the communist Poland just a grey space with a limited freedom and shortage of toilet paper?
Registration is free but essential, please register via Eventbrite.
This event is part of the UCL Festival of Culture, gender/queer and art/lit/film
in the other europe event series.
Organiser: Dr Urszula Chowaniec (u.chowaniec@ucl.ac.uk)
Supported and sponsored by:
UCL Grand Challenges,
SSEES Centre for Study of Central Europe,
UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL SSEES, UCL European Institute, qUCL