Workshop on Contemporary Poland
23 May 2016, 11:00 am–4:15 pm
Event Information
IAS Common Ground, South Wing, Wilkins Building, University College London
This one-day workshop is intended for scholars and students of contemporary Polish politics and society. Participants, all researchers based in the UK, will present their work in progress on a range of topical issues. The aim is to allow plenty of time for discussion.
The workshop will be held in Common Ground, South Wing, Wilkins Building, University College London.* If you would like to attend, please write to the organiser, Anne White, Professor of Polish Studies, at
The workshop is funded by the Grabowski Fund.
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Anna Gwiazda (Kings College London) ‘The effectiveness of gender quotas in Poland’
12:15 Aleks Szczerbiak (University of Susses) 'Why did Poland adopt a radical lustration law in 2006?'
13:00 Lunch
13:40 Anne White (UCL SSEES) 'The influence of migration in Polish cities: a Wrocław case study'
14:25 Aleksandra Kubica (Kings College London) 'Moving memory: POLIN's travelling project and neglected Jewish narratives in rural Poland'
3:10 Tea
3:30 Discussion about organising further events
4:15 End of workshop
* Common Ground (UCL Institute of Advanced Studies) is located on the south side of the main UCL quadrangle. Map