SSEES 100: Russia and the West: The Roots of Current Distrust
02 March 2015, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Wilkins Gustave Tuck LT, UCL South Wing, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
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Professor Geoffrey Hosking OBE speaks on the ongoing Ukrainian crisis.
*Please note the venue has been changed due to popular demand.
The talk will now take place in the Wilkins Gustave Tuck lecture theatre.
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The ongoing Ukrainian crisis has not come out of the blue. Distrust between Russia and the West has been growing ever since the Russian Federation was created in 1991-2. We tend to see this as Russia's fault. Without denying that, Geoffrey Hosking will present the idea that the West has also been responsible right from the outset.
The talk will be followed by a reception in the North Cloisters, UCL.
If you are on the waiting list, in the event that more places become available please await further notification to register.
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Geoffrey Hosking is Emeritus Professor of Russian History at UCL SSEES. He has recently been awarded an OBE in the New Year's List for "services to
higher education and students". His latest book Trust: A History was published in 2014 by Oxford University Press.