The Beginnings of Modern Belarus: Identity, Nation, and Politics in a European Borderland
25 March 2015, 6:00 pm–12:00 am
Event Information
Room 347, SSEES, 16 Taviton St, London, WC1H 0BW
Per Anders Rudling (Visiting Professor, University of Vienna,Associate Professor, Lund University)
UCL SSEES and the Ostrogorski Centre with support of the Association of Belarusians in Great Britain present the Annual London Lecture on Belarusian Studies.
Professor Rudling was born in Karlstad, Sweden, in 1974. He got his
first MA from Uppsala University in Sweden, followed by an MA at
the University of San Diego in the United States and a Ph. D. at the
University of Alberta in Canada. He also held a post-doctoral position
at the University of Greifswald, Germany and is currently a Visiting
Professor at the University of Vienna.
Professor Rudling’s articles have appeared in the Journal of Belarusian
Studies, Nationalities Papers, Canadian Slavonic Papers, Ab Imperio,
and the Carl Beck Papers. This year the University of Pittsburgh Press
published his latest book The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism
Introduction: Yaraslau Kryvoi, Ostrogorski Centre
Moderator: Andrew Wilson, University College London
A cheese and wine reception will follow the talk.