The Danube: A UCL Global Citizenship Summer School on Intercultural Interaction
01 June 2015–12 June 2015, 10:00 am–8:00 pm

Event Information
Various venues around UCL
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The third Danube Summer School takes place from 1 June to 12 June. The programme, which SSEES runs as part of UCL’s Global Citizenship scheme, addresses Intercultural Interaction among UCL’s Grand Challenges themes.
Lectures discuss the environmental history of the Danube, perceptions of Danubian travellers, the history, society, and culture of the Jewish and Roma populations of the region, EU policy towards the Danube, as well as the UK’s immigration policy towards, and perceptions of, migrants from the Danube region. Eight short language courses (German, Slovak, Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, and Yiddish) offer insights into Danubian culture through language, underlining the importance of local practices for global citizenship. Morning lectures and the closing festival (on 12 June), where students showcase the posters and short films they will be making during the two weeks, are open to everyone. SSEES members of staff and students are invited to attend the Danubian Tales storytelling session and party at the Print Room café on Wednesday 3 June (from 5.30pm and 7pm, respectively).
For events, titles, venues, and other events please find our detailed programme attached.
Main contact: Eszter Tarsoly (