Platform Ukraine Lecture: Russia and Ukraine – The Historical Background
15 January 2015, 6:30 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
J Z Young Lecture Anatomy Building, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6XA
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An evening with Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Hosking OBE
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In his lecture Professor Hosking will provide a much-needed broad historical background to the unfolding crisis in Ukraine.
He will concentrate mainly, but not entirely, on
the twentieth century, especially Soviet policy towards Ukraine. The event
will be chaired by Dr Pete Duncan.
Registration is now open on Eventbrite
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Professor Hosking is Emeritus Professor of Russian History at UCL-SSEES. Most recently he has been interested in trust as a social phenomenon and he has recently published the book Trust: a History, with Oxford University Press.