UCL Excellence Fellows 2012-2013.
![]() | Dr Caswell BarryCaswell joined UCL's Cell and Developmental Biology department in 2013, previously being based at the UCL Institute of Neurology with Professor Neil Burgess. His goal is to build a computational understanding of the neural basis of memory. In other words, explaining how a network of neurons in able to store, update, and retrieve information about the world and events that happen within it. To this end he studies spatial memory and its representation in the hippocampal formation. His lab uses tools such as computational modelling and optogenetic manipulations to understand how the processes of memory formation and retrieval are triggered. Caswell was awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship and how holds a Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship. |
![]() | Dr Isaac BiancoIsaac's research focuses on understanding the structure and function of sensorimotor circuits controlling visually-guided behaviours in larval zebrafish. Isaac was awarded the UCL Provost's Excellence Fellowship and is also a Wellcome Trust / Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow. Prior to joining UCL Division of Biosciences in 2013 Isaac was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Professor Florian Engert at Harvard University. |
![]() | Dr Paola BonfantiPaola was awarded a UCL Rosetrees Excellence Fellowship in 2013 to pursue her research interests in epithelial stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Her goal is to characterise epithelial cell populations in order to develop regenerative models for different organs. She is based at UCL Institute of Child Health and the Division of Infection & Immunity at the Royal Free Hospital. Previously Paola was a postdoctoral researcher at Vrije Universiteit, Brussels. Paola is the recipient of an ERC Starting Grant. |
![]() | Dr Alan CheungDr Alan Cheung was a postdoc with Prof Patrick Cramer (Gene Center, Munich) before joining the Division of Biosciences as a UCL Excellence Fellow. His goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of gene expression by examining the process of transcription and its activation using a multidisciplinary approach that combines structural biology, biochemistry and genetics. He was recently awarded a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship that will fund his research for the next five years. |
![]() | Dr Yanlan MaoDr Yanlan Mao joined MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology in October 2013 as a UCL Excellence Fellow from CRUK London Research Institute where she was a postdoctoral research fellow. Her research uses an interdisciplinary approach, combining genetics, quantitative live imaging, biophysics, and computational modelling, to study how mechanical forces affect tissue growth and regeneration. She has also been awarded a 5 year MRC Career Development Award to pursue her research interests. |